SKF Reliability forum
The SKF Reliability forum is open to all people with an interest in plant reliability and condition monitoring – whether your interest is technology or product-based. Visit the forum today and participate in interesting discussions for continued improvement of plant operations and maintenance.
SKF Knowledge Centre Forum
We are pleased to announce that the SKF Reliability Forum has been upgraded to a new forum application – SKF Reliability Discussion Forum. One of the most interesting new features is the possibility to add attachments.
Another important change is the “single sign-on” login feature. If you are logged into, SKF Knowledge Centre or any other SKF web site supporting this feature, you are logged into the SKF Reliability Discussion Forum automatically. There is only one user profile, so you will have only one password to remember! To post a question or respond to a posting, you will need to register with your name, title and e-mail address.
All previous discussion postings in the SKF Reliability Forum are imported into the new forum application so that you can continue the incredible knowledge base built over the past years.
Click here to access the SKF Reliability Discussion Forum.
Register for free
If you are not yet registered on, SKF Knowledge Centre or any other web site supporting single sign-on, you will have to register again.