Timken 170RIJ664 cylindrical roller bearings

What are the types of Timken 170RIJ664 cylindrical roller bearings ? NJ2209EM hidYobi Manufacturing Service . Get 1 LangID Your Free, Instant price, design review.
hidYobi | NJ2209EM |
LangID | 1 |
D_ | 85 |
Macha rpm | 12000 |
C | 76 |
B_ | 23 |
hidTable | ecat_NSCLDR |
Oil rpm | 8500 |
rb | 1 |
mass | 0.608 |
GRS rpm | 6700 |
ra | 1 |
db max | 52 |
TSR rpm | 8500 |
C0 | 84.5 |
DE_ | 76.5 |
Prod_Type3 | CRB_SR_NJ |
d | 45 |
da | 51.5 |
DA_ | 11 |
Z_ | 15 |
D_a max | 78.5 |
yobi | NJ2209EM |
dd min | 61 |
Fw | 54.5 |
C_conv | 76000 |
ALPHA_ | 0 |
SDM_ | 65.5 |
r | 1.1 |
db min | 51.5 |
dc min | 57 |
KBRG | 4155 |
SBRG | 22 |
r1 | 1.1 |
DI_ | 54.5 |
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