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1601-2Z ZEN B 6.35 mm 4.762×17.462×6.35mm Deep groove ball bearings

  1601-2Z ZEN B 6.35 mm 4.762×17.462×6.35mm Deep groove ball bearings

Bearing number 1601-2Z
Size (mm) 4.762×17.462×6.35
Brand ZEN
Bore Diameter (mm) 4.762
Outer Diameter (mm) 17.462
Width (mm) 6.35
d 4.762 mm
D 17.462 mm
B 6.35 mm
C 6.35 mm
Weight 0.005 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1.308 kN
INA VLA 20 0414 N thrust ball bearings INA VLA 20 0414 N thrust ball bearings, Units and Housings CAD models Two-Bolt Base mounting: , Manufacturing Service 3.9375 in overall height: . Get Your Free. mounting: Two-Bolt Base overall height: 3.9375 in d 1.5000 in B 2.0000 in bore type: Round operating temperature range: Max 400° base to bore centerline: 1.9375 in base
INA VSA 20 0544 N thrust ball bearings Advance INA VSA 20 0544 N thrust ball bearings is your source for quality 0.0 Inventory and accessories. shop online for home delivery or pick up NTN Manufacturer Name in one of our 10000 . Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name NTN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 1.588 Product Group M06110
NTN E-M231649D/M231610/M231610D tapered roller bearings NTN E-M231649D/M231610/M231610D tapered roller bearings Engineering 263.525×355.6×57.15 Size (mm) Calculator , Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free. Size (mm) 263.525×355.6×57.15 Bore Diameter (mm) 263,525 Outer Diameter (mm) 355,6 Width (mm) 57,15 d 263,525 mm D 355,6 mm T 57,15 mm B 57,15 mm C 44,45 mm a 5,1 mm Weight 15,4 Kg Basic dynamic load
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SKF S7019 CB/P4A angular contact ball bearings Browse SKF S7019 CB/P4A angular contact ball bearings Categories in the Manufacturers Online Free. 0.0 Inventory including . Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name NTN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0 EAN 4547359548198 Product Group B00308 Enclosure 2 Seals Precision Class ABEC 1 | ISO P0 Maximum Capacity / Filling Slot No Rolling Element Ball Bearing Snap
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  Detailed Parameters


W 607 R Deep groove ball bearingsWidth :6mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :7mm ,Size :19x7x6mm ,Bore Diameter :19mm
BSB055120-T Thrust ball bearingsBrand:FAG ,Size :55x120x20mm ,Outer Diameter :120mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm
RCJTY40-N Bearing unitsd:40 mm ,Brand:INA ,V:105 mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,U:54.2 mm
HK 1616 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :22mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :16mm ,Size :22x16x16mm
MR243316 Needle roller bearingsLw:19.8 mm ,Lubrication hole on outer ring:Oui/Yes ,rs min:1.5 mm ,Dw:4.5 mm ,k:3 mm
FYNT 45 L Bearing unitsSize :45x66x15mm ,Outer Diameter :66mm ,Brand:SKF ,Width :15mm ,Bore Diameter :45mm
C4015-2CS5V/GEM9 Cylindrical roller bearingsSize :75x115x40mm ,Brand:SKF ,Outer Diameter :115mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm
YSP 205 SB-2F Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :52mm ,d:25 mm ,Width :33mm ,Size :52x25x33mm ,Outer Diameter :25mm ,Brand:SKF
TUP2 280.50 Plain bearingsBrand:CX ,Bore Diameter :280mm ,Outer Diameter :285mm ,D:285 mm ,d:280 mm
47TS584238 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Size :290x420x380mm ,Width :380mm ,Outer Diameter :420mm ,d:290 mm ,Bore Diameter :290mm

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