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20311-K-TVP-C3 FAG m 1.49 kg / Weight 55x120x29mm Spherical roller bearings

  20311-K-TVP-C3 FAG m 1.49 kg / Weight 55x120x29mm Spherical roller bearings

Bearing number 20311-K-TVP-C3
Size (mm) 55x120x29
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 55
Outer Diameter (mm) 120
Width (mm) 29
d 55 mm
D 120 mm
B 29 mm
D1 101.7 mm
Da max 109 mm
da min 66 mm
ra max 2 mm
rmin 2 mm
m 1.49 kg / Weight
Cr 120000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial)
C0r 137000 N / Static load rating (radial)
nG 5400 1/min / Limiting speed
Cur 12400 N / Fatigue limit load. radial
Bearing number 20311-K-TVP-C3
Size (mm) 55x120x29
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 55
Outer Diameter (mm) 120
Width (mm) 29
d 55 mm
D 120 mm
B 29 mm
C 29 mm
r min. 2 mm
D1 101.7 mm
da min. 66 mm
Da max. 109 mm
ra max. 2 mm
Weight 1.49 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 120 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 137 kN
Fatigue load limit (Pu) 12.4
NACHI H-M86649R/H-M86610 tapered roller bearings NACHI H-M86649R/H-M86610 tapered roller bearings with easy-to-use parts graphics, giving you the ability to 110 Bore Diameter (mm) check parts availability, pricing, 110x240x50 Size (mm) examine remanufactured options. Size (mm) 110x240x50 Bore Diameter (mm) 110 Outer Diameter (mm) 240 Width (mm) 50 d 110 mm D 240 mm B 50 mm C1 2,7 mm D1
Toyana 55176C/55437 tapered roller bearings With over 10170 full-service stores, our Toyana 55176C/55437 tapered roller bearings inventory is extensive and our parts are priced right. within 24 hours. This helps you maximize your productivity by saving time 8 Days or more Days to Ship and your hard-earned 12 Bearing I.D. d(mm) dollars. Days to Ship 8 Days or more RoHS
NSK FWF-283520 needle roller bearings NSK FWF-283520 needle roller bearings Needs Analysis , 0.0 Inventory Manufacturing Service SCHAEFFLER GROUP Manufacturer Name . Get Your Free. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name SCHAEFFLER GROUP Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0 Product Group B04336
ZEN S61802 deep groove ball bearings YOU’LL FIND AN EXTENSIVE N/A Minimum Buy Quantity SELECTION OF ZEN S61802 deep groove ball bearings FOR SALE. 0.0 Inventory Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name ASAHI BEARINGS Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0.676 Product Group M06110
Timken 150RJ03 cylindrical roller bearings What is Timken 150RJ03 cylindrical roller bearings in mechanical engineering? Manufacturing Service . Upload 1000x1320x236 Size (mm) your CAD 1000 Bore Diameter (mm) file for an instant. Size (mm) 1000x1320x236 Bore Diameter (mm) 1000 Outer Diameter (mm) 1320 Width (mm) 236 d 1000 mm D 1320 mm B 236 mm C 236 mm R 6
ISO NN3980 cylindrical roller bearings ISO NN3980 cylindrical roller bearings manufacturer and global supplier of reliable ball and roller … ISO NN3980 cylindrical roller bearings Industries Products Manufacturing & Engineering and Agricultural Bearings designed to meet the unique requirements of our 23.812×30.162×25.4 Size (mm) targeted industries. Size (mm) 23.812×30.162×25.4 Bore Diameter (mm) 23,812 Outer Diameter (mm) 30,162 Width (mm) 25,4
NSK NN3019TBKR cylindrical roller bearings offers a NSK NN3019TBKR cylindrical roller bearings selection of Steel Rolling Element Material Genuine Quote Days to Ship at Wholesale Prices. We are a NSK NN3019TBKR cylindrical roller bearings Certified Parts Retailer Days to Ship Quote Bearing Inner Dia. Shape Cylindrical Bore Set Screw Rolling Element Material Steel d 75 B 216 Cover Type Cast
ISB 70/530 B angular contact ball bearings With over 10170 full-service stores, our 76.2x130x30 Size (mm) ISB 70/530 B angular contact ball bearings inventory is extensive and our parts are priced right. within 24 hours. This helps you maximize your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned dollars. Size (mm) 76.2x130x30 Bore Diameter (mm) 76,2 Outer Diameter (mm) 130 Width (mm) 30
ZEN 3802 angular contact ball bearings ZEN 3802 angular contact ball bearings Industries and Applications ? We sell discount online as 0.0 Inventory well as cheap machinery parts. ASAHI BEARINGS Manufacturer Name Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name ASAHI BEARINGS Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 2.806 EAN 0808250418855 Product Group M06110
NSK 50BER10X angular contact ball bearings LET OUR NSK 50BER10X angular contact ball bearings 105x190x53 Size (mm) EXPERTS GET YOU 190 Outer Diameter (mm) THE PARTS YOU NEED. Size (mm) 105x190x53 Bore Diameter (mm) 105 Outer Diameter (mm) 190 Width (mm) 53 d 105 mm D 190 mm T 53 mm B 50 mm C 50 mm Weight 6 Kg Basic

  Detailed Parameters


F698ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :22mm ,Size :8x22x6mm ,Bore Diameter :8mm
82576/82932D+A Tapered roller bearingsd:146.05 mm ,Outer Diameter :236.538mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :146.05x236.538x131.762mm ,Width :131.762mm ,Bore Diameter :146.05mm
DAC42840039 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :84mm ,Size :42x84x39mm ,Bore Diameter :42mm ,Brand:ISO
NN 3006 KTN/SP Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :55mm ,Size :30x55x19mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Brand:ISB
29460E Thrust roller bearingsOuter Diameter :540mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Bore Diameter :300mm ,Width :145mm ,Size :300x540x145mm
NBL.30.1255.200-1PPN Thrust ball bearingsOuter Diameter :1400mm ,Brand:ISB ,Bore Diameter :1105mm ,Size :1105x1400x90mm ,Width :90mm
GYE25-KRR-B Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :52mm ,Bore Diameter :25mm ,Brand:INA ,Size :25x52x34.1mm ,Width :34.1mm
K 42x47x25 TN Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :42mm ,Fw:42 mm ,Outer Diameter :47mm ,Brand:NBS ,Ew:47 mm
240/750YMD Spherical roller bearingsSize :750x1090x335mm ,d:750 mm ,Outer Diameter :1090mm ,Width :335mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :750mm
22328UAVS2 Thrust roller bearingsOuter Diameter :300.000mm ,Width :102.000mm ,Size :140x300x102mm ,Bore Diameter :140.000mm ,Brand:NTN

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