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21308 ISB 40x90x23mm Weight 0.75 Kg Spherical roller bearings

  21308 ISB 40x90x23mm Weight 0.75 Kg Spherical roller bearings

Bearing number 21308
Size (mm) 40x90x23
Brand ISB
Bore Diameter (mm) 40
Outer Diameter (mm) 90
Width (mm) 23
d 40 mm
D 90 mm
B 23 mm
C 23 mm
K 3 mm
Weight 0.75 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 102 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 106 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 7267.5 r/min
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Toyana 7209 C-UD angular contact ball bearings Toyana 7209 C-UD angular contact ball bearings, Units and Housings CAD models 4-15/16 in Shaft Size , Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free. Shaft Size 4-15/16 in Seal Type Felt Type Bearing Type Split Cylindrical Retained Type Support Type Two-Bolt Plummer Block Series Type Light Series Pillow/Plummer Block Style Split Cylindrical Housed Unit – Angled
UKFCX12 KOYO Basic static load rating (C0) 40.1 kN Bearing units Bearing number UKFCX12 Brand KOYO Bore Diameter (mm) 55 d 55 mm H3 140 mm A4 42 mm A1 33 mm B1 62 mm J 165 mm L 194 mm N 16 mm Bolt (G) M14 A2 11 mm A3 20 mm J1 116.7 mm Weight 5.1 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 57.2 kN
24144CK30E4 NSK 220x370x150mm Y3 1.7 Spherical roller bearings Bearing number 24144CK30E4 Size (mm) 220x370x150 Brand NSK Bore Diameter (mm) 220 Outer Diameter (mm) 370 Width (mm) 150 d 220 mm D 370 mm B 150 mm C 150 mm r min. 4 mm da min. 238 mm da max 248 mm Da min 313 mm Da max. 352 mm ra max. 3 mm

  Detailed Parameters


14137A/14276 Tapered roller bearingsBore Diameter :34.925mm ,Size :34.925x69.012x19.845mm ,Brand:CX ,Width :19.845mm ,Outer Diameter :69.012mm
J-1112 Needle roller bearingsSize :17.463x22.212x19.05mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Fw:17.463 mm ,Width :19.05mm ,Bore Diameter :17.463mm ,Outer Diameter :22.212mm
NKS28 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :28mm ,Size :28x42x20mm ,Outer Diameter :42mm ,Brand:AST ,Width :20mm
S628 Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :8mm ,Brand:ZEN ,Size :8x24x8mm ,Outer Diameter :24mm
GIPFR 10 PW Plain bearingsBrand:INA ,Size :10x22x14mm ,Bore Diameter :10mm ,Outer Diameter :22mm
LL889049/10 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:CX ,Bore Diameter :1270mm ,Width :69.85mm ,Outer Diameter :1435.1mm ,Size :1270x1435.1x69.85mm
NUP2226 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :130mm ,Size :130x230x64mm ,Outer Diameter :230mm ,Brand:CYSD
4310ZZ Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:FBJ ,Size :50x110x40mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm
663/653 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :146.050mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Size :82.550x146.050x41.275mm ,Bore Diameter :82.550mm
GEH240HT Plain bearingsBearing Type - circumfrential split:extra wide ,Brand:AST ,Bore Diameter :240mm ,Outer Diameter :340mm

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