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2318-M FAG 90x190x64mm nG 5000 1/min / Limiting speed Self aligning ball bearings

  2318-M FAG 90x190x64mm nG 5000 1/min / Limiting speed Self aligning ball bearings

Bearing number 2318-M
Size (mm) 90x190x64
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 90
Outer Diameter (mm) 190
Width (mm) 64
d 90 mm
D 190 mm
B 64 mm
D1 161 mm
Da max 176 mm
d1 115.7 mm
da min 104 mm
ra max 2.5 mm
rmin 3 mm
m 8.78 kg / Weight
Cr 156000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial)
e 0.39
Y1 1.63
Y2 2.53
C0r 57000 N / Static load rating (radial)
Y0 1.71
nG 5000 1/min / Limiting speed
nB 5900 1/min / Reference speed
Cur 3000 N / Fatigue limit load. radial
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  Detailed Parameters


NUP204E.TVP Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :41.5mm ,D:47 mm ,Brand:Timken ,d:20 mm ,Bore Diameter :20mm ,F:26.5 mm
LM223016 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :17mm ,Brand:NSK ,Size :17x30x16.2mm ,Outer Diameter :30mm
CX088 Wheel bearingsDesignation SKF:VKBA 994 ,Brand:CX ,Designation SNR:R153.09 ,Designation Ruville:5309
696-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :15mm ,Bore Diameter :6mm ,Width :5mm ,Size :6x15x5mm ,Brand:ISO
NCF2964 V Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :320mm ,Size :320x440x72mm ,Brand:ISO ,Outer Diameter :440mm
BC4B 322497/HA4 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:SKF ,Size :870x600x578mm ,Width :578mm ,d:600 mm ,Bore Diameter :870mm ,Outer Diameter :600mm
BCE910 Needle roller bearingsSize :14.288x19.05x15.875mm ,Width :15.875mm ,Outer Diameter :19.05mm ,Brand:INA ,Fw:14.288 mm ,Bore Diameter :14.288mm
6012-NR Deep groove ball bearingsd:60 mm ,Width :18mm ,Outer Diameter :95mm ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Brand:NKE ,Size :60x95x18mm
51108 Thrust ball bearingsEAN:4547359306002 ,Weight / Kilogram:0.117 ,Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A ,BDI Inventory:2.0 ,Category:Thrust Ball Bearing ,Manufacturer Name:NTN
23938 KCW33+AH3938 Spherical roller bearingsBore Diameter :190mm ,Outer Diameter :260mm ,Brand:ISO ,Size :190x260x52mm

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