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241/530CAE4 NSK Calculation factor (Y0) 1.7 530x870x335mm Spherical roller bearings

  241/530CAE4 NSK Calculation factor (Y0) 1.7 530x870x335mm Spherical roller bearings

Bearing number 241/530CAE4
Size (mm) 530x870x335
Brand NSK
Bore Diameter (mm) 530
Outer Diameter (mm) 870
Width (mm) 335
d 530 mm
D 870 mm
B 335 mm
C 335 mm
r min. 7.5 mm
da min. 566 mm
Da min 740 mm
Da max. 834 mm
ra max. 6 mm
Weight 773 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 8500 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 17500 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 260 r/min
(Oil) Lubrication Speed 340 r/min
Calculation factor (e) 0.38
Calculation factor (Y0) 1.7
Calculation factor (Y2) 2.6
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PW54980050CSM PFI B 50 mm 54x98x50mm Tapered roller bearings Bearing number PW54980050CSM Size (mm) 54x98x50 Brand PFI Bore Diameter (mm) 54 Outer Diameter (mm) 98 Width (mm) 50 d 54 mm D 98 mm B 50 mm
24148-E1 FAG 240x400x160mm C0r 3900000 N / Static load rating (radial) Spherical roller bearings Bearing number 24148-E1 Size (mm) 240x400x160 Brand FAG Bore Diameter (mm) 240 Outer Diameter (mm) 400 Width (mm) 160 d 240 mm D 400 mm B 160 mm D1 339 mm Da max 383 mm d2 267.3 mm da min 257 mm ds 6.3 mm ns 12.2 mm ra max 3 mm rmin 4 mm

  Detailed Parameters


E-4R8201 Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :400mm ,Size :410x546x400mm ,d:410 mm ,Bore Diameter :410mm ,Brand:NTN ,Outer Diameter :546mm
NCF3040 V Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :82mm ,Bore Diameter :200mm ,Size :200x310x82mm ,Brand:CX ,Outer Diameter :310mm
NJ1928 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:CX ,Width :24mm ,Bore Diameter :140mm ,Size :140x190x24mm ,d:140 mm ,Outer Diameter :190mm
BRI 243920 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :38.1mm ,Size :38.1x61.912x32mm ,Outer Diameter :61.912mm ,Brand:IKO
RV303716 Needle roller bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Size :30x37x16mm ,Outer Diameter :37mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm
7811CG/GNP42 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :72mm ,Size :55x72x9mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,Brand:NTN ,Width :9mm
LM1620 Needle roller bearingsWidth :20.2mm ,Size :12x24x20.2mm ,Bore Diameter :12mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :24mm
SL182234 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :281.9mm ,Brand:NBS ,Size :170x281.9x86mm ,Bore Diameter :170mm
7200C Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :10mm ,Outer Diameter :30mm ,Width :9mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :10x30x9mm
53310 Thrust ball bearingsOuter Diameter :95mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,Size :50x95x34.3mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Width :34.3mm ,d:50 mm

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