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24196-E1A-K30-MB1 FAG 480x790x308mm nG 640 1/min / Limiting speed Spherical roller bearings

  24196-E1A-K30-MB1 FAG 480x790x308mm nG 640 1/min / Limiting speed Spherical roller bearings

Bearing number 24196-E1A-K30-MB1
Size (mm) 480x790x308
Brand FAG
Bore Diameter (mm) 480
Outer Diameter (mm) 790
Width (mm) 308
d 480 mm
D 790 mm
B 308 mm
D1 673.14 mm
Da max 758 mm
da min 512 mm
ds 12.5 mm
ns 23.5 mm
ra max 6 mm
rmin 7.5 mm
m 594 kg / Weight
Cr 9000000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial)
e 0.38
Y1 1.79
Y2 2.67
C0r 15500000 N / Static load rating (radial)
Y0 1.75
nG 640 1/min / Limiting speed
nB 228 1/min / Reference speed
Cur 1070000 N
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UST210+WB SNR T 6 mm Bearing units A1 16 mm B 43.5 mm A5 32.6 mm G M6x1 H1 102 mm H2 83 mm L1 90 mm L3 86 mm N1 19 mm N2 49 mm s1 21.75 mm S 10.9 mm C 35.1 kN C0 23.2 kN T min. -20 °C T max. 100 °C Recommended tightening torque for set screw
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2307-2RS ISO d 35 mm 35x80x31mm Self aligning ball bearings Bearing number 2307-2RS Size (mm) 35x80x31 Brand ISO Bore Diameter (mm) 35 Outer Diameter (mm) 80 Width (mm) 31 d 35 mm D 80 mm B 31 mm C 31 mm
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  Detailed Parameters


RNAO 35x47x32 - ZW Needle roller bearingsSize :35x42x32mm ,Bearing number : RNAO 35x47x32:ZW ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Brand:NBS ,Outer Diameter :42mm
NJ 1015 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:NACHI ,Outer Diameter :115mm ,Size :75x115x20mm ,Bore Diameter :75mm ,Width :20mm
624/612 Tapered roller bearingsSize :53.975x120.65x41.275mm ,Brand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :53.975mm ,Outer Diameter :120.65mm ,Width :41.275mm
UC217 Deep groove ball bearingsSize :85x150x85.7mm ,Brand:FYH ,Bore Diameter :85mm ,Outer Diameter :150mm
7216CDB Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :140mm ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Size :80x140x26mm ,Brand:NACHI
NNCF5020-V Cylindrical roller bearingsWidth :67mm ,Brand:NKE ,d:100 mm ,Size :100x139.65x67mm ,Outer Diameter :139.65mm ,Bore Diameter :100mm
NUP 2219 E Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:NACHI ,Bore Diameter :95mm ,Width :43mm ,Outer Diameter :170mm ,Size :95x170x43mm
GE180-UK-2RS Plain bearingsWidth :105mm ,Brand:INA ,Bore Diameter :180mm ,C :80mm ,Outer Diameter :260mm ,Size :180x260x105mm
NJ411 Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:CRAFT ,Outer Diameter :140mm ,d:55 mm ,Size :55x140x33mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,Width :33mm
KT 172418 Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :24mm ,Bc:18 mm ,Brand:IKO ,Fw:17 mm ,Ew:24 mm ,Bore Diameter :17mm

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