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3212A SNR 60x110x36.500mm Contact angle α 25 ° Angular contact ball bearings

  3212A SNR 60x110x36.500mm Contact angle α 25 ° Angular contact ball bearings

d1 75.8 mm
D1 94.4 mm
a 55.1 mm
Contact angle α 25 °
rs min 1.5 mm
Radial clearance class CN
Precision class P0
Mass 1.18 kg
Dynamic load, C 68 kN
Static load, C0 61.5 kN
Fatigue limit load, Cu 3.7 kN
f0 14.9
Nref 5.200 rpm
Nlim 5.800 rpm
Min operating temperature, Tmin -20 °C
Max operating temperature, Tmax 120 °C
Characteristic cage frequency, FTF 0.42 Hz
Characteristic rolling element frequency, BSF 5.49 Hz
Characteristic outer ring frequency, BPF0 4.2 Hz
Characteristic inner ring frequency, BPFI 5.8 Hz
da min 68 mm
Da max 102 mm
ra max 1.5 mm
Bearing number 3212A
Size (mm) 60x110x36.500
Brand SNR
Bore Diameter (mm) 60.000
Outer Diameter (mm) 110.000
Width (mm) 36.500
d 60.000 mm
D 110.000 mm
B 36.500 mm
C 36.500 mm
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RHP NMJ1.3/4 self aligning ball bearings Welcome M 120×2 G to 26 mm B the RHP NMJ1.3/4 self aligning ball bearings online seller. G M 120×2 d3 155 mm B 26 mm d1 130 mm B3 6 mm b 12 mm h 5 mm Axial static load carrying capacity 340 kN Mass lock nut 1.32 kg Associated spanner TMFN 23-30 Grub
AST AST800 5550 plain bearings AST AST800 5550 plain bearings Manufacturers 8 Days Days to Ship , Online Wholesale Suppliers‎ ! Days to Ship 8 Days RoHS 6 Bearing I.D. d(mm) 30 Bearing Material [Steel] Steel Housing Material 1045 Carbon Steel Holder Surface Treatment Black Oxide Coating Height H(mm) 40 ~ 80 Bearing Part Number 6006 Seals DD (Contact Rubber
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Timken 306KDDG deep groove ball bearings With over 10170 full-service stores, our Timken 306KDDG deep groove ball bearings inventory is N/A Minimum Buy Quantity extensive and our parts are priced right. 0.0 Inventory within 24 hours. This helps you maximize your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned dollars. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name ABB MOTORS AND MECHANICAL INC Minimum Buy Quantity
ISO NH2215 cylindrical roller bearings With over 10170 full-service stores, our ISO NH2215 cylindrical roller bearings inventory is extensive and our parts are priced right. within 24 hours. This helps you maximize your productivity by saving time 240 Bore Diameter (mm) and your hard-earned 240x360x152 Size (mm) dollars. Size (mm) 240x360x152 Bore Diameter (mm) 240 Outer Diameter (mm) 360 Width
NTN 2RNU4412 cylindrical roller bearings NTN 2RNU4412 cylindrical roller bearings 43,000 mm Fw Manufacturers , 43,000 Bore Diameter (mm) Online Wholesale Suppliers‎ ! 48,000 Outer Diameter (mm) Bore Diameter (mm) 43,000 Outer Diameter (mm) 48,000 Fw 43,000 mm Ew 48,000 mm Bc 23,300 mm
Cheap Light Slewing Ring Bearings for Tower Crane Various 50.8 mm d 21.95 mm B types 75 mm d1 and sizes to accommodate your Cheap Light Slewing Ring Bearings for Tower Crane requirements. d 50.8 mm B 21.95 mm d1 75 mm e 0.35 Y2 1.69 Y0 0.93 Dynamic load, C 78 kN Rating life coefficient, A2 1.4 Static load, C0 96.5 kN
KBF25 NBS H 8 mm Linear bearings Bearing number KBF25 Brand NBS Bore Diameter (mm) 25 Outer Diameter (mm) 40 d 25 mm D 40 mm d1 5.5 mm d2 9.5 mm h 5.4 mm A 51 mm D1 62 mm H 8 mm L 58 mm Weight 0.335 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1 kN
190TMP93 NSK DA_ 32 190x320x78mm Thrust roller bearings Bearing number 190TMP93 Size (mm) 190x320x78 Brand NSK Bore Diameter (mm) 190 Outer Diameter (mm) 320 Width (mm) 78 d 190 mm D 320 mm hidYobi 190TMP93 LangID 1 D_ 320 C 1080 B_ 78 hidTable ecat_NSCRT Oil rpm 900 mass 27.6 d1 320 GRS rpm 300 ra 3 D_a 205 C0 4500 D_1 195

  Detailed Parameters


687 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :14mm ,Size :7x14x3.5mm ,d:7 mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :7mm ,Width :3.5mm
23240 EKW33+AH3240 Spherical roller bearingsSize :190x360x128mm ,Brand:ISB ,Bore Diameter :190mm ,Width :128mm ,Outer Diameter :360mm
HM801346X/HM801310 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :38.1mm ,Size :38.1x82.55x29.37mm ,Outer Diameter :82.55mm
AST50 44IB64 Plain bearingsBrand:AST ,Bore Diameter :69.85mm ,Shaft Dia., Nominal (d):2.7500 ,Bearing Type:straight
K60x68x27 Needle roller bearingsBore Diameter :60mm ,Width :27mm ,Size :60x68x27mm ,Fw:60 mm ,Outer Diameter :68mm ,Brand:CX
1654-RS Deep groove ball bearingsBore Diameter :31.75mm ,Brand:CYSD ,Outer Diameter :63.5mm ,d:31.75 mm ,Width :15.875mm ,Size :31.75x63.5x15.875mm
EGW42-E50 Plain bearingsBore Diameter :42mm ,Outer Diameter :66mm ,Width :1.5mm ,Brand:INA ,Size :42x66x1.5mm ,d:42 mm
GE 17 BBL Self aligning ball bearingsBore Diameter :17mm ,Outer Diameter :30mm ,Size :17x30x14mm ,Brand:ISB ,d:17 mm ,Width :14mm
7310 BDF Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:ISO ,Size :50x110x54mm ,Outer Diameter :110mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm
RSF-4926E4 Cylindrical roller bearingsd:130 mm ,Size :130x180x50mm ,Width :50mm ,Brand:NSK ,Outer Diameter :180mm ,Bore Diameter :130mm

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