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FAG 713667300 wheel bearings

  FAG 713667300 wheel bearings


What are 0.0 Inventory NTN Manufacturer Name the dimensions of a FAG 713667300 wheel bearings? Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, Instant Quote‎!

Inventory 0.0
Manufacturer Name NTN
Minimum Buy Quantity N/A
Weight 178
Product Group B04144

    NSK LM158 needle roller bearings What are the types of NSK LM158 needle roller bearings ? Manufacturing 0.0 Inventory Service . TIMKEN Manufacturer Name Get Your Free, Instant price, design review. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name TIMKEN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 19.522 EAN 0883450157315 Product Group M06288 Number of Mounting Holes 4 Mounting Method Eccentric Collar Housing Style 4 Bolt
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    ZK.22.0880.100-1SPPN ISB Z 120 mm 708x880x82mm Thrust ball bearings Bearing number ZK.22.0880.100-1SPPN Size (mm) 708x880x82 Brand ISB Bore Diameter (mm) 708 Outer Diameter (mm) 880 Width (mm) 82 d 708 mm D 880 mm H 82 mm U 814 mm e 6 mm Z 120 mm a 764 mm Di 708 mm Dp 720 mm De 880 mm Fe 850 mm Ne 36 mm
    15113/15345 AST Width (B) 0.7500 Tapered roller bearings Bearing number 15113/15345 Brand AST Bore Diameter (mm) 28.575 Outer Diameter (mm) 62 Width (mm) 19.05 Bearing Type single row assembly Bore Dia (d) 1.1250 Outer Dia (D) 2.4409 Width (B) 0.7500 Outer Width (Bo) 0.5625 Inner Width (Bi) 0.8125 Radius (min) (rs) 0.031 Radius (min) (rs1) 0.051 Weight (g) 266.10 Material 52100 chrome steel

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