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IKO BA 2412 Z needle roller bearings

  IKO BA 2412 Z needle roller bearings


We Provide Extensive IKO BA 2412 Z needle roller bearings 64 mm A 22 mm A1 Selection And Competitive Wholesale Pricing.

A 64 mm
A1 22 mm
A2 38 mm
B 33 mm
A5 29 mm
B1 59 mm
d 47.62 mm
d1 75 mm
G M6x1
H 146 mm
H1 130 mm
H2 102 mm
L 171 mm
L1 106 mm
L2 19 mm
L3 95 mm
N 35mm
N1 25 mm
N2 64 mm
s1 29 mm
C 43.55 kN
C0 29.2 kN
T min. -20 °C
T max. 100 °C
Weight 4 kg
Adapter sleeve reference H2311-30
Designation of housing T211-
Designation of bearing UK211G2H-30

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