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KH2030 NTN 20x28x30mm Weight 0.033 Kg Linear bearings

  KH2030 NTN 20x28x30mm Weight 0.033 Kg Linear bearings

Bearing number KH2030
Size (mm) 20x28x30
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 20
Outer Diameter (mm) 28
Width (mm) 30
Fw 20 mm
D 28 mm
C 30 mm
a 7 mm
Weight 0.033 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1.05 kN
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  Detailed Parameters


23052 KCW33+H3052 Spherical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :400mm ,Size :260x400x104mm ,Bore Diameter :260mm ,Brand:ISO
GE60-HO-2RS Plain bearingsBrand:INA ,Outer Diameter :90mm ,Bore Diameter :60mm ,Size :60x90x54mm
71907 CDB Angular contact ball bearingsSize :35x55x20mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Outer Diameter :55mm ,Brand:ISO
88511 Deep groove ball bearingsBrand:SIGMA ,Size :55x100x31mm ,Width :31mm ,Outer Diameter :100mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm
NA 4908 Needle roller bearingsBrand:IKO ,Size :40x62x22mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Outer Diameter :62mm
UCPX14 Bearing unitsB:77.8 mm ,Brand:KOYO ,d:70 mm ,A:89 mm ,Width :77.8mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm
MJ-971 Needle roller bearingsSize :14.288x19.05x11.13mm ,Width :11.13mm ,Bore Diameter :14.288mm ,Outer Diameter :19.05mm ,Brand:NSK
2309-K-TVH-C3 + H2309 Self aligning ball bearingsOuter Diameter :100mm ,Width :36mm ,Bore Diameter :40mm ,Brand:FAG ,Size :40x100x36mm
NU 209 ECML Thrust ball bearingsOuter Diameter :45mm ,Brand:SKF ,Bore Diameter :85mm ,Size :85x45x19mm
3NCHAR021CA Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Width :26mm ,Outer Diameter :160mm ,Bore Diameter :105mm ,Size :105x160x26mm ,d:105 mm

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