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LMK25 Samick PCD 51 mm Linear bearings

  LMK25 Samick PCD 51 mm Linear bearings

Bearing number LMK25
Brand Samick
Bore Diameter (mm) 25
Outer Diameter (mm) 40
d 25 mm
D 40 mm
d1 5.5 mm
d2 9.5 mm
h 5.4 mm
D1 62 mm
H 8 mm
K 50 mm
L 59 mm
PCD 51 mm
Tolerance perpendicularity (C) 15
Weight 0.34 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 0.98 kN
FAG 713611590 wheel bearings FAG 713611590 wheel bearings 0.0 Inventory SEARCH ISOSTATIC INDUSTRIES Manufacturer Name – Whether it’s agriculture or construction equipment your working on, Has the you need. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name ISOSTATIC INDUSTRIES Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 0 EAN 0846802037444 Product Group B04264 Profile Bushing No Flange Material Description Oil Impregnated Sintered Bronze Material SAE841 Inch
Timken EE134102/134144CD+X1S-134102 tapered roller bearings Advance Timken EE134102/134144CD+X1S-134102 tapered roller bearings is N/A Minimum Buy Quantity your source for quality and accessories. shop online for home delivery or pick up in one of our 10000 . 0.0 Inventory Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name TIMKEN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A EAN 0053893769820 Weight / US pound 0.01 Product Group B04336
SNR 33013A tapered roller bearings The online SNR 33013A tapered roller bearings parts store gives you 1000 Bore Diameter (mm) immediate access to a selection of more 1000x1320x315 Size (mm) than 1.4 million new, used, remanufactured. Size (mm) 1000x1320x315 Bore Diameter (mm) 1000 Outer Diameter (mm) 1320 Width (mm) 315 d 1000 mm D 1320 mm B 315 mm D1
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  Detailed Parameters


NU2216E Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :140mm ,Size :80x140x33mm ,Brand:NTN ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Width :33mm
22219EAW33 Thrust roller bearingsBore Diameter :95.000mm ,Width :43.000mm ,Brand:SNR ,Size :95x170x43mm ,Outer Diameter :170.000mm
SAC3572B Thrust ball bearingsBrand:KOYO ,d:35 mm ,Bore Diameter :35mm ,Outer Diameter :72mm ,Width :15mm ,Size :35x72x15mm
89456-M Thrust roller bearingsBrand:NBS ,Size :280x520x145mm ,Bore Diameter :280mm ,Outer Diameter :520mm
RT-728 Thrust roller bearingsBrand:SIGMA ,Bore Diameter :50.8mm ,d:50.8 mm ,B:34.925 mm ,D1:177.8 mm
22330A2X Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :150mm ,Outer Diameter :320mm ,Brand:NACHI ,Size :150x320x108mm
PC30520022CS Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :52mm ,Brand:PFI ,Size :30x52x22mm ,Bore Diameter :30mm ,Width :22mm
CS212LLU Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :110.000mm ,Bore Diameter :60.000mm ,Width :22.000mm ,Size :60x110x22mm ,Brand:NTN
EE203137/203190 Tapered roller bearingsBrand:Timken ,Bore Diameter :346.075mm ,Outer Diameter :482.6mm ,Size :346.075x482.6x66.675mm
7602070-TVP Thrust ball bearingsBore Diameter :70mm ,d:70 mm ,Width :24mm ,Brand:FAG ,Outer Diameter :125mm ,Size :70x125x24mm

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