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NACHI 53202 thrust ball bearings

  NACHI 53202 thrust ball bearings


QuestionNACHI 53202 thrust ball bearings 480 Outer Diameter (mm) ? Find what you need faster by entering your 260x480x130 Size (mm) information 260 Bore Diameter (mm) .

Size (mm) 260x480x130
Bore Diameter (mm) 260
Outer Diameter (mm) 480
Width (mm) 130
d 260 mm
Fw 313 mm
D 480 mm
B 130 mm
C 130 mm
Weight 107 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 1790 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 2950 kN
(Grease) Lubrication Speed 990 r/min

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