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NBS RNAO 12x22x12 TN needle roller bearings

  NBS RNAO 12x22x12 TN needle roller bearings


NBS RNAO 12x22x12 TN needle roller bearings Engineering Calculator , 140 Outer Diameter (mm) Manufacturing Service 90 Bore Diameter (mm) . Get Your 90x140x67 Size (mm) Free.

Size (mm) 90x140x67
Bore Diameter (mm) 90
Outer Diameter (mm) 140
Width (mm) 67
d 90 mm
D 140 mm
B 67 mm
C 66 mm
n 2,5 mm
T1 54 mm
T2 6 mm
D1 146 mm
Weight 3,71 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 2830 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 3450 kN

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