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NTN K47X52X23.8 needle roller bearings

  NTN K47X52X23.8 needle roller bearings


Welcome to 0.0 Inventory IPTCI BEARINGS Manufacturer Name the NTN K47X52X23.8 needle roller bearings online seller.

Inventory 0.0
Manufacturer Name IPTCI BEARINGS
Minimum Buy Quantity N/A
Weight 1.995
Product Group M06110
Number of Mounting Holes 2
Mounting Method Set Screw
Housing Style 2 Bolt Flange Block
Rolling Element Ball Bearing
Housing Material Nickel Coated Cast Iron
Expansion / Non-expansion Non-expansion
Mounting Bolts 1/2 Inch
Relubricatable Yes
Insert Part Number CUC209
Seals B Seal
Housing Configuration 1 Piece Solid
Pilot Configuration No Pilot
Inch – Metric Metric
Long Description 2 Bolt Flange Block; 45MM Bore; 148MM Bolt Circle; 148.4MM Bolt Spacing; 1 Piece Solid; Set Screw Mo
Other Features Single Row | Spherical | Corrosion Resistant | Hard Chrome Coated Insert | Has Slinger | Optional Lo
UNSPSC 31171501
Harmonized Tariff Code 8483.20.40.40
Noun Bearing
Keyword String Flanged
Manufacturer Item Number CUCNPFL 209 45MM
Weight / LBS 4.4
D 1.937 Inch | 49.2 Millimeter
Bolt Spacing 5.843 Inch | 148.4 Millimeter
Nominal Bolt Circle Diameter Round 5.8 Inch | 148 Millimeter
d 1.772 Inch | 45 Millimeter
Cartridge Pilot Depth 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter
Cartridge Pilot Diameter 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter

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      Detailed Parameters


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