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Timken 9109PP deep groove ball bearings

  Timken 9109PP deep groove ball bearings


Timken 9109PP deep groove ball bearings Deal is your Available Volume Discount source for OEM and accessories. We sell Genuine 6 RoHS at discount prices.

Volume Discount Available
Days to Ship 7 Days
RoHS 6
Bearing I.D. d(mm) 12
Bearing Material Stainless Steel
Housing Material [Aluminum Alloy] 2017 Aluminum Alloy
Flange Shape Round Type
Width T(mm) 35
Holder Surface Treatment Clear Anodize
Bearing Part Number 6001
Seals ZZ (Double Shield)
Flange O.D. H(φ) 54
Shape Flanged Pilot Type
Bearing Used Deep Groove Ball Bearings
Bearing Retained Yes (with retaining ring)
Number of Bearings Double
Type Bearings with Housings

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ISO NUP30/500 cylindrical roller bearings ISO NUP30/500 cylindrical roller bearings Needs Analysis , Manufacturing 0.0 Inventory Service . Get Your Free. Inventory 0.0 Manufacturer Name TIMKEN Minimum Buy Quantity N/A Weight 17.236 Product Group M06288
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16018-2RS Loyal 90x140x16mm B 16 mm Deep groove ball bearings Bearing number 16018-2RS Size (mm) 90x140x16 Brand CRAFT Bore Diameter (mm) 90 Outer Diameter (mm) 140 Width (mm) 16 d 90 mm D 140 mm B 16 mm C 16 mm

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