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Timken W313PP deep groove ball bearings

  Timken W313PP deep groove ball bearings


Online Timken W313PP deep groove ball bearings Expert.More Choices. 0.0 Inventory Timken W313PP deep groove ball bearings in Stock & Ready N/A Minimum Buy Quantity to TIMKEN Manufacturer Name Ship Now!

Inventory 0.0
Manufacturer Name TIMKEN
Minimum Buy Quantity N/A
Weight 1.304
EAN 0053893022291
Product Group B04334
Precision Class Standard
Component Assembly
Basic Number 387
Assembly Number 90306
Assembly Components 387A (2) | 382A (2) | X1S-387 (1) | Y4S-382A (1)
End Play 0.02
Number of Tapered Rows Double Row
Inch – Metric Inch
Other Features 2 Single Cone | 2 Single Cup
Long Description Assembly; Standard Precision; Components 387A (2) | 382A (2) | X1S-387 (1) | Y4S-382A (1); 2-1/4&#03
UNSPSC 31171516
Harmonized Tariff Code 8482.20.00.00
Noun Bearing
Keyword String Tapered
Manufacturer Item Number 387A-90306
Weight / LBS 2.872
Flange Outside Diameter 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter
d 2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter
D 3.813 Inch | 96.85 Millimeter
Assembly Width 1.654 Inch | 42.012 Millimeter

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