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TU0802-4LLX/L588 NTN Width 39mm 42x76x39mm Tapered roller bearings

  TU0802-4LLX/L588 NTN Width 39mm 42x76x39mm Tapered roller bearings

Bearing number TU0802-4LLX/L588
Size (mm) 42x76x39
Brand NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 42
Outer Diameter (mm) 76
Width (mm) 39
d 42 mm
D 76 mm
B 39 mm
C 39 mm
rx 3.8 mm
ry 3.8 mm
35.2 Tolerance h14
Weight 0.73 Kg
Basic dynamic load rating (C) 48 kN
Basic static load rating (C0) 56.5 kN
KOYO 26883R/26820 tapered roller bearings With over 10170 full-service stores, our KOYO 26883R/26820 tapered roller bearings inventory is extensive and our parts 6x19x6 Size (mm) are priced right. within 24 hours. This helps you 6 Bore Diameter (mm) maximize your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned dollars. Size (mm) 6x19x6 Bore Diameter (mm) 6 Outer Diameter (mm) 19 Width
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NBS NKIS 8 needle roller bearings QuestionNBS NKIS 8 needle roller bearings ? Find what you need 50x140x101 Size (mm) faster by entering your information . Size (mm) 50x140x101 Bore Diameter (mm) 50 Outer Diameter (mm) 140 Width (mm) 101 d2 50 mm D 140 mm T1 101 mm T2 62 mm d3 140 mm r min. 2 mm r1 min.
NBS NKIS 70 needle roller bearings Can’t find what you’re looking for 51130-nsk SKU: NBS NKIS 70 needle roller bearings ? Our expert Representatives be in contact with you shortly! SKU: 51130-nsk Availability: In Stock Weight: 1.95 KGS d 150mm D 190mm B 31mm Dynamic Load Rating (kN): 110 Static Load Rating (kN): 400 Grease Limiting Speed (r/min): 1300 Oil Limiting
NTN NN3948C1NAP4 cylindrical roller bearings are 47 Outer Diameter (mm) a few brands you 20x47x14 Size (mm) will find in our inventory. Find NTN NN3948C1NAP4 cylindrical roller bearings to see what’s in stock! Size (mm) 20x47x14 Bore Diameter (mm) 20 Outer Diameter (mm) 47 Width (mm) 14 d 20 mm D 47 mm B 14 mm C 14 mm r
ISO N1928 cylindrical roller bearings ISO N1928 cylindrical roller bearings Needs Analysis , Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free. 68.262x110x22 Size (mm) Size (mm) 68.262x110x22 Bore Diameter (mm) 68,262 Outer Diameter (mm) 110 Width (mm) 22 d 68,262 mm D 110 mm T 22 mm B 21,996 mm C 18,825 mm R 5,1 mm r 1,3 mm a – 0,8
NKE 3312-B-2RSR-TV angular contact ball bearings Enjoy High Margins 65x140x33 Size (mm) on Competitive Pricing.Great Wholesale Products at Low Costs. Size (mm) 65x140x33 Bore Diameter (mm) 65 Outer Diameter (mm) 140 Width (mm) 33 d 65 mm D 140 mm B 33 mm C 33 mm Weight 2,1 Kg Basic dynamic load rating (C) 92,3 kN Basic static load rating (C0)
Toyana 7203 C-UO angular contact ball bearings Manufacturers of all are represented in our partial 2320 lb dynamic load capacity: list of clients. Contact Gary for a 0.7500 in d complete Toyana 7203 C-UO angular contact ball bearings list of clients and projects. d 0.7500 in dynamic load capacity: 2320 lb D 1.6250 in static load capacity: 1000 lbs B 0.4375 in
K89312TN SKF D 110 mm 60x110x66mm Thrust roller bearings Bearing number K89312TN Size (mm) 60x110x66 Brand SKF Bore Diameter (mm) 60 Outer Diameter (mm) 110 Width (mm) 66 d 60 mm D 110 mm T 66 mm Dw 9 mm

  Detailed Parameters


NK 43/20 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :53mm ,Outer Diameter :43mm ,Size :53x43x20mm ,Brand:SKF
SL024914 Cylindrical roller bearingsOuter Diameter :100mm ,Bore Diameter :70mm ,Width :30mm ,Size :70x100x30mm ,Brand:INA
DLF 50 20 Needle roller bearingsFw:50 mm ,Size :50x58x20mm ,Outer Diameter :58mm ,Width :20mm ,Bore Diameter :50mm ,Brand:KOYO
NAS 5016UUNR Cylindrical roller bearingsBrand:IKO ,Bore Diameter :80mm ,Size :80x125x60mm ,Outer Diameter :125mm
M270749/10 Tapered roller bearingsOuter Diameter :635mm ,Size :447.675x635x120.65mm ,Width :120.65mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :447.675mm
EN 17 Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :44mm ,Bore Diameter :17mm ,d:17 mm ,Size :17x44x11mm ,Brand:NSK ,Width :11mm
02876/02820 Tapered roller bearingsSize :31.75x73.025x22.225mm ,Brand:ISO ,Bore Diameter :31.75mm ,Outer Diameter :73.025mm
BB40467 Angular contact ball bearingsBore Diameter :35mm ,Size :35x55x14.5mm ,Brand:SNR ,Outer Diameter :55mm ,Width :14.5mm
IJ123098 Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:ILJIN ,E:66.94 mm ,I:40.6 mm ,P:112 mm
GEG90ES Plain bearingsBrand:LS ,Width :85mm ,Outer Diameter :150mm ,Size :90x150x85mm ,Bore Diameter :90mm

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