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X32024XM/Y32024XM Timken Basic dynamic load rating (C1) 241 kN 120x180x38mm Tapered roller bearings

  X32024XM/Y32024XM Timken Basic dynamic load rating (C1) 241 kN 120x180x38mm Tapered roller bearings

Bearing number X32024XM/Y32024XM
Size (mm) 120x180x38
Brand Timken
Bore Diameter (mm) 120
Outer Diameter (mm) 180
Width (mm) 38
d 120 mm
D 180 mm
T 38 mm
B 38 mm
C 29 mm
R 2.5 mm
r 2 mm
a 1.5 mm
Da 173 mm
db 130 mm
da 131 mm
Db 170 mm
Weight 3.27 Kg
Basic static load rating (C0) 463 kN
Factor (Cg) 0.073
Factor (K) 1.27
Basic dynamic load rating (C90) 62.6
Basic dynamic load rating (Ca90) 49.1
Basic dynamic load rating (C1) 241 kN
Calculation factor (e) 0.46
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T811 Timken 203.2×419.1×92.075mm T 92.075 mm Thrust roller bearings Bearing number T811 Size (mm) 203.2×419.1×92.075 Brand Timken Bore Diameter (mm) 203.2 Outer Diameter (mm) 419.1 Width (mm) 92.075 d 203.2 mm D 419.1 mm T 92.075 mm R 9.7 mm r 9.7 mm Weight 69.3 Kg Basic static load rating (C0) 11400000 kN Basic dynamic load rating (Ca90) 869000

  Detailed Parameters


6032-Z Deep groove ball bearingsOuter Diameter :240mm ,Width :38mm ,Size :160x240x38mm ,Brand:ISB ,Bore Diameter :160mm
1202 Self aligning ball bearingsOuter Diameter :35mm ,Bore Diameter :15mm ,Size :15x35x11mm ,Brand:NSK
T-M244249D/M244210/M244210D Tapered roller bearingsd:220.662 mm ,Width :239.712mm ,Outer Diameter :314.325mm ,Bore Diameter :220.662mm ,Brand:NTN ,Size :220.662x314.325x239.712mm
28R3317 Needle roller bearingsWidth :17mm ,Bore Diameter :28mm ,Brand:KOYO ,Size :28x33x17mm ,Outer Diameter :33mm
F679H-2RS Deep groove ball bearingsSize :9x14x4.5mm ,Width :4.5mm ,Bearing Type:Flange Sealed ,Outer Diameter :14mm ,Brand:AST ,Bore Diameter :9mm
2LA-HSE911CG/GNP42 Angular contact ball bearingsOuter Diameter :80mm ,Size :55x80x13mm ,Bore Diameter :55mm ,d:55 mm ,Width :13mm ,Brand:NTN
ST4595LFT Tapered roller bearingsBrand:KOYO ,Outer Diameter :95.25mm ,Size :45x95.25x35mm ,Bore Diameter :45mm ,Width :35mm
BK081414 Cylindrical roller bearingsBore Diameter :8mm ,Fw:8 mm ,Brand:ISO ,Width :14mm ,Outer Diameter :14mm ,Size :8x14x14mm
GBR 101816 UU Needle roller bearingsOuter Diameter :28.575mm ,Bore Diameter :15.875mm ,Width :25.4mm ,Brand:IKO ,Size :15.875x28.575x25.4mm
7036DF Angular contact ball bearingsBrand:NACHI ,Size :180x280x46mm ,Outer Diameter :280mm ,Bore Diameter :180mm

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